There's never enough time to do everything you want. But is there a chance efficiency is not the answer? - Stephen Covey
Just a few minutes into a beautiful TED talk delivered by Tim Urban (Wait But Why) had me shook. (I urge you to watch it asap). Tim spells out how procrastinators think different from non procrastinators, and how the instant gratification monkey can be a trouble maker, which boils down to the whole idea of procrastinating being easy and fun.
Why do we procrastinate
Let's face it, we've all been there at some point in life where we find it so much easier to procrastinate and excuse ourselves from doing something proactive. Various studies around the whole art of procrastination have shown debatable conclusions on whether or not procrastination can really do you better. Procrastination usually tends to put off the anxiety of 'failing', foreseeably for a short period of time, handing a get away on a silver platter. But again how long can you possibly duck your responsibilities.
Image source: Unsplash
2. Push yourself to do what's best for you
What pushing yourself really implies is to do one thing today that your future self will thank you for. Meditation is the perfect fit. You may not find a vast difference in a day or two. Rather, it's a process to allow yourself to remain at peace. But once you start noting a difference in your overall state of response and being, you find yourself willing to take even 5 minutes of your day to get through it. Similarly, every perfectionist was once a beginner. Get your priorities straight and convince yourself that every step counts.
3. Get rid of distractions
Let me just say it's easier said than done. We often find ourselves in the midst of getting lost in the world of the internet where social acceptance has a major role to play. Especially being in the middle of a pandemic has left us with social media to keep up with each other. But the point I am trying to make here is simple, try to remain focused by limiting binge surfing. One way that I find easy to do so is to get rid of something that somehow finds its way through my 'productive' times.
4. Be aware of the content you consume
The amount of content consumed on a daily basis, whether it is watching a show or reading a novel or a hundred other things that keep you entertained, have an impact on your productivity. But just knowing what kind of content amuses you and helps you stay sane is your vibe. At the time of crisis (say, boards for example) you would want to keep yourself motivated, which means aligning your consumption in a way to make your needs (to prep)and wants (to relax) meet can be the most efficient.
5. Don't give yourself the chance to second guess
Hear me out on this one. You ever have those times where you debate with the little monkey in your head, where you argue about being productive and the monkey throws in a "one last episode" that steers you away. Second guessing your decisions only leads to pushing it further. Rather, getting to work at something before the monkey even has a chance to say anything has worked wonders.
6. Its okay to take a break!
Bustling at something for hours can be exhausting. So its important we take breaks at appropriate intervals. A well deserved break can be extremely rejuvenating, maybe even allowing you to get more creative. One way that I look at it is to treat yourself to an earned interval.
Image source: Unsplash
7. Aesthetics
Who isn't pleased by an aesthetic surrounding? I'll be honest, I'm not the one to talk about tidying up a room/ literally anything, I wouldn't do justice to my own if I say so. What I intend is not living in a junk space, but to have that one aesthetic that calms you down. As a matter of fact, the environment around you does matter and affect your motivation, as shown by a study, stating 'The more comfortable you are with your space, the longer you stay focused'.
Lastly, I'd just like to say I'm no preacher, ironically infact, I am a master procrastinator! These are some of the things I have been following over the years that have helped me deal with the little monkey inside my head. I'll admit, it took me a while to get myself to write this article, procrastination having a fair share in its contribution. But once I did start off, I found my inner panic monster immediately swing up!
I've seen the talk you mentioned and honestly this is the best way to summarise it and your thoughts adds sense to the whole idea. At this point in time this article was much needed and I can relate to it at another level !! Keep up the work and quality!
Wish to see more frequent articles from your side!! 😃