Hi! I realize it's been well over two years since I have appeared on my blog. Apologies. I'll be attempting to write more on personal experiences every now and then. Hope you enjoy the read :)
In April of last year, I had gotten my first wisdom tooth out. Ouch.
It turns out I have lesser pain tolerance than I anticipated. It was an almost two week recovery process till I could get myself to eat like a teen again. This time however, my spiral pattern included watching YouTube videos on the recovery process instead. Focus on the outcome, not on the process. Said nobody ever.
As I write this, it is T minus 3 days to having to do this all over again, for what I hope will be one last time. As I begin to spiral yet another time with YouTube videos on the procedure purely to freak out even more, I realize, Ignorance is bliss. I get it now.
The after effects of my first wisdom tooth experience turned out quite gracefully chipmunk-ish. As I brace for this again, I keep in mind not to watch videos on the process. Have ice packs ready to go. Have a pint of ice cream to last the week. Follow the doctor's advice. Learn how to swallow pills.
That's going to be a problem. Apparently there's going to be pills right before and a whole three days after the procedure. That's a lot of pills. Yep, that's going to be a problem. Ever since I have grown out of the syrup phase, because apparently adults are trusted enough to switch to pills, it is me against my ability to swallow pills. We'll get to that bridge when the time comes.
Part of the Do's & Don'ts is to not use straws. Hope the turtles are happy.

As I get closer to the day, the more it dawns upon me that I really can't do much for at least a week, conveniently accommodating my already non- existent schedule ever since college days have come to a close. I realize I strangely like having a routine to follow. Although, in complete honesty, it does seem slightly strange to not be a college student anymore, to not follow the routine I had for the better part of three years.
One thing I have been quite consistent with lately is reading. I loved to read during my commute to and from college, amidst my fellow Bangalorean morning travelers stuck in the never ending Silk Board or St. Johns signal. One of my recent reads was 'Tuesdays With Morrie', an incredibly well written book by Mitch Albom.
I had once dreamt of becoming a doctor (a dermatologist, to be precise), so I wouldn't necessarily say I'm scared of doctors' appointments. But the anesthesia shots really scare me. So much so that I squeezed the kind doctor's hand who so politely said 'here, you can hold my hand'. And hold her hand I did. Sorry doc.
I think one of the most longing recovery moments is to see anything besides soft mushy food, and waiting for the day you'll be able to eat again like there's no tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a good ice cream. But I need to put those Indian taste buds of mine be put to use again. The Bangalorean in me is really thriving with this liquid diet for a whole week. I am DREAMING of a good dosa, such a heavenly creation. And finally, after about a whole week of the recovery process, here I was with the most scrumptious home- made dosa and sambar! :)